Control, order, predictability, security.
Helpful employees, lousy bosses!
Who serves who?
A tool box is filled with useful things when needed.
When not required, put them down.
But how beautiful and shiny they are.
How attractive and desirable.
They make life comfortable and that’s good.
Put them on the altar.
Worship them and get the life you want.
They only cost a little thing you hardly use.
You won’t even miss your soul.
Helpful employees, lousy bosses!
Who serves who?
A tool box is filled with useful things when needed.
When not required, put them down.
But how beautiful and shiny they are.
How attractive and desirable.
They make life comfortable and that’s good.
Put them on the altar.
Worship them and get the life you want.
They only cost a little thing you hardly use.
You won’t even miss your soul.
At first I took the tools to mean our creature comforts in life: ipod, DVR, cellphone, etc.
But maybe it means the pat-answer theology we hide behind at times. After all, remember that Imperials song lyric "We could save the entire world, if we'd pick up love and put religious weapons down"?
Aaaah, I'm getting verklempt, talking amongst yourselves. The Imperials. 1990. Remember this album?
Big Ball Turnin'? Come Into My Life? FALLIN'? What great songs.
Wait, could trying to think like it's still 1990 be my tool? I don't do that too much anymore, thank heavens. But if I don't catch myself doing it...then I'M THE TOOL. :)
By the way, I see Blogger truncated the link I tried posting, which made the link unusable. Well, I shall beat you at your own game Blogger. Here is my album picture using TinyURl as the referrer:
Take that Blogger! :)
Ah the Imperials…I might still have some of their albums on vinyl.
But what would religion be without the “Gospel Gun”?
If I stop trying to “fix” other people I might have to start looking at myself – yikes!
“I’m a tool, she’s a tool, wouldn’t you like to be a tool too?”
We all get confused between using tools and being tools. A tool sacrifices freedom for security. There’s a certain comfort in that. It doesn’t make difficult and often ambiguous decisions and deal with the consequences, it just works hard when and how it’s told.
I suppose the question is: “What do I believe?” & “Have I chose it or has it chose me?”
“What do I believe?” & “Have I chose it or has it chose me?”
That question has been a source of angst for me. I have come to the uneasy decision that it is simultaneously both. Fence sitting is so much fun!
A little angst is good for ya – like having open heart surgery without anesthesia.
And the good thing is you’re AWARE you’re on the fence – yeeeeee haawwwww!
Rejoice! Celebrate! Crack open a bottle of wine (if you’re lucky you’ll drink enough to fall off the fence with a 50/50 chance you’ll end up on the right side).
Seriously, the direction you’re going is the only way I know of – so take hope!
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